Wednesday, June 15, 2005

The worst day ever...

So I've been pretty/totally poor for the past while, waiting to get paid. Getting cashed up monthly sucks ass, so hard to make my ¥ go the distance! Anyways, got paid last night, straight to the pub, few beers later thought it would be a great idea to get cashed up for the next couple of weeks. Such a fucking retard! So then in this shit weather this morning I was running to the station and lost my wallet. So dumb. And so much money! And my ID and cards etc. Suppose this happens to everyone once in a while, but this shit happens to me all the time. Now there is probably this school girl going on a disney-character buying rampage at toys'r'us. If you see any J-girls with more shopping bags than they can carry, steal them, return the stuff and send me the ¥! Convincing the man at the station to let me ride the train for free so that I could go to the bank only made it shitter.

But as I have said before, I'm all about making it through the wilderness, so I'll soldier on. And tonight is beer night and tomorrow is a serious wilderness day! Heading to the forest somewhere with my super-friend Carrie. Don't know where, but I'm sure our urban-jungle survival skills will keep us on the right track.

Anyway, hope you are all hot. Take it easy people. And watch out for rich Japanese teenagers.



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