So home my trip home was tops. I spent the first week with my Mum and Dad and Kelly in Cowra, and catching up with old friends. Ben and his Dad were awesome enough to take us skiing at Wyangala Dam near Cowra. The weather was perfect the whole time I was in Cowra. Mel was there for a couple of days and we did fuck all except go to the dam, go to Bi-Lo, and squirrel around. Got a bit pissed with my Mum in the backyard on red wine in the sun.
When I am in Japan there are always things that I totally miss and feel devastated that I can't have them. Things like baked beans, VB, sausages, steak, coffee that doesn't taste like a hot milkshake. You know the stuff. Funnily enough though when I went home I didn't care about any of that shit except for steak and coffee. I actually think Japanese beer is pretty great substitute for Australian beer. And baked beans and sausages are peasant food. For the past year I have also been selling the shit out of Sydney as a tops place to go on vacation since most Japanese people stick to Cairns and the Gold Coast. Part of Sydney's charm, I say, is how multi-cultural it is, and you don't have to worry about food because Australians love sushi and sushi in Sydney is great! What a lie. Sydney sushi is manky. Totally missed Japanese food when I was home.
The things I thought I was dying without, but now realise I'm not, are: driving (Tokyo trains rule), Oportos, baked beans, sunburn, Sydney trains, Oxford St. Things I didn't miss before but appreciate now are: Sydney taxis (cheap and awesome), muffins, Bondi, pedestrian crossings (and more imporantly the drivers that stop at them), Home and Away (someone tell me what's happened to that blond bitch (Tash?) who was trapped in the shed at the cult-farm!), Australian supermarkets, silence, dirt roads, long long days.
So anyways after hanging in Cowra for a week I took off to Sydney for the party leg of my trip. Stayed with Kylie and Will in there hot Petersham pad and go busy partying. The result being a throat infection, roadside vomiting, 7am taxi rides, 5pm powernaps, somewhat anti-social behaviour at times, and lots of fun. The best bits: lunch with Tim, playing hockey with Alex after a bottle of wine, partying with Kylie and my gorgeous cousin Carly, lunchtime boozing with Xtina, Gaytown with Darren, Saturday afternoon with Mum, Dad, Chris, Carly and Ash in a beer garden in Bondi. But the highlight was going to the Mardi Gras after party with my brother and having one of the best nights I have had in Sydney. Awesome. 7 days of action and a 9am flight to Seoul. Gross. Didn't want to leave but Korea was pretty inviting!
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