Thursday, July 13, 2006

Counting Down The Days...

So I have finally decided on a date to come home, and it's the 23rd of August. I really can't wait. Love Japan but it's totally time to go. The dream is dying. Over the past couple of months so many people have packed up and left, there are 3 other teachers leaving in August too so it totally makes sense, except that now I have the coolest flatmate ever. That bit sucks, but otherwise I am fully ready.

Sally left first, and things started to go down hill from there. Since she was the sole woman in the place she was in charge of dishing out sexual-harassment reports. Her absence has subsequently led to hands and fluids flying all around the office. With noone to stop us, it's game on. She is eating her favourite food in the whole wide world: rice, peas, corn, chilli sauce. 4 easy ways to save up for a trip to China.

Alex doesn't seem to be going anywhere in a hurry, but his gorgeous fiance Suze did and she is sadly missed.

Me and my manager Yuriko. Cool cool.

Kara took off back to Jersey in a blaze of fabulousness and a thousand tears.

Hiromi ditched Nova to chase boys (well one boy named Simon) and get her soul back. She totally ruled as a manager. So much fun and a really cool chick. She quickly learned the ring-game. If you look at the ring she is making then she can punch you. You are owned.

Miya loves it too.

Back at the ranch I picked myself up a new flatmate called Rich. He's from England and he speaks English funny. But that's ok.

Rich is on the left, with Satoru, Hector and Tom. Hector and Tom live in our apartment building and are funny fuckers.

Satoru and me and Hector at Karaoke.

Rich and Tom singing....can you guess what it is?

PS I know this blog is lame.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sad to hear your leaving me to face crazy arty farty alone ;( no doubt we'll catch up when i get back to sydney. xxx free feelin cindy

12:04 PM  

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